The UnOfficial Hallmark Institute of Photography Blog and Alumni Association. is a for graduates and current students of the Hallmark Institute of Photography in Turners Falls, MA.

Trust Your Education!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Interview w/ Pauline St. Denis

I had the pleasure of interviewing Pauline St. Denis today, on her birthday!

Pauline is a NY commercial and wedding photographer. She has a love for film and has a style which I personally love. You rock Pauline!

Pauline speaks every year at the Hallmark Institute of Photography and has been one of the year end portfolio judges for the past two years. I met Pauline when she reviewed my portfolio in 2005. Honestly, I was scared after I saw her rip apart some other portfolios. I got lucky, she liked mine.

For all you current students listen up you may be seeing her again very soon.

P.S. Pauline loves a good cat portrait!

Download the podcast here

Be sure to check out Pauline's web site at


Photo contest entry

Hello everyone!
First and foremost, thank you Wayne! This is a wonderful forum for sharing work and finding inspiration.

Secondly, here is my first post and entry into the first photo contest. While in the middle of a snow storm on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, I inadvertantly startled this flock of geese finding refuge in my back yard. Although I felt bad about sending them up into a raging snowstorm, I was very glad for the photo opportunity it presented.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Yay for wedding season!


Untitled (Times Square)

Copyright Timothy Briner, 2007

This is for the competition. (shot it yesterday)

From a series of NY and Times Square I have been doing for 2 years. Mostly focusing on Times Square and the hurds of people. It started out as a way for me to photograph people without them knowing or caring, while using a flash. In todays day and age, its not easy to do street photography, especially with a flash; Times Square is different, nobody is aware of anything, except the energy around them, they don't think your photographing them. It's fun. Will be finished this September. More coming soon.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Vegas Grand Prix

I had fun out at the races today.

Fast cars, hot women!

See the slide show here


Saturday, April 7, 2007

Purdy punk girls

here are a few from this evening....

wayne looks like its just me and you in this contest.... the only rule falllowers


Bellagio Bride

Here's a shot that I snagged when I shot weddings at the Bellagio.

This was one of those moments when I was with the right bride, walking to the chapel and we hit this spot and the light was perfect, with a little fill flash of course.

I snapped into action and directed her for 3 quick shots before we were off to marry her.

It's one of my favorite images.


HIPSTER Photo Contest #1

Here is my shot for the contest. Enjoy!! check my blog for more!!

I love maternity shots

Here's one I did today for a client



I went and saw Grindhouse at the drive in last night!

Two thumbs up!!


New Couples Shot

Young couple with a hot look!


HIPster Photo Contest #1

Hello all! This is my entry for the first official contest. I took this in Michigan City at the Dunes... its one of my favorite shots! I can't wait until summer to go up there again and shoot more. Good luck everyone!

Friday, April 6, 2007

HIPster Photo Contest #1

This will be my entry to the HIPsters photo contest.....


Hallmark Visit

On Monday I went to visit the school for the first time since I started shooting a series of photos in Turners last September. I met with George, ran into Joan, spoke with Dick and then snuck into Stephen Wilkes' lecture for a minute.

I graduated in 2000. At that time digital was just a little more then a concept. Digital has come a long way in seven years and Hallmark has been ahead of the game ever since. This year Hallmark has given EVERY student a Leaf Aptus 22 Digital back to take home, sleep with, eat with, etc.

Not sure if you current students actually understand what you have. I am gonna turn into a dork right now and start talking about "when I was a photographer I had to use 'film'". But seriously, do you know what you have? Many talented photographers in NY, scratch that, all over the world, would die to have access to this. You must use it! Shoot the shit out of it, get on it like its crack! sleep with it! destroy it! whatever you have to do to get full use out of it - cause it is not coming with you after you graduate. Trust me, you will miss it and you will regret not spending every waking moment shooting with it.

A high end device like that in the palm of my hand while I was attended Hallmark would have been crazy, it would have literally changed my life! While I was there I spent the majority of my "spending" money on film, film, film and then paper. I was shooting so much that my mother stopped sending me money for food cause I would use it on film. She started sending me Wendy's gift certificates instead. First off, I was only 18 OK. Second, bad idea mom; once my roommate, notorious for forging shit, got a hold of a "one dollar food coupon" for Wendy's, he decided to copy it, manipulate it and then print out a bunch of "five dollar food coupons". Cut to interior of Wendy's: "Sir, we don't make five dollar coupons". "Really? That's weird". Wow, I'm way off target here. My point is that rather then spending your allowance on a shit load of film and paper and then spending 8 hours a day in the darkroom, you can simply shoot, shoot, shoot and then burn. OK, you get my point, I'll stop preaching.

Anyway, the school not only has a sweet camera set-up but a really amazing new building that houses, well, everything. Lots and lots O digital shit, a huge studio area, lecture hall, blah, blah - take a look at it here. We're all visual people anyway.

The commercial photo industry is drastically changing and it looks like Hallmark is doing a great job of staying one step ahead of it. It was nice to be back.

HIPster Photo Contest #1

You knew it would happen eventually and here it is, the first HIPster photo contest.


1. Take and post the one contest photo between now and Friday the 13th with a little story about the shot.
2. Post it to the blog with the label of "HIPster Photo Contest #1"
3. The peer judging will take place in the form of comments to each post, anyone can vote, only once please, to vote for an image a place a comment of 1st place, 2nd place, or 3rd place
4. Votes will be tallied and winners announced by the end of day on Friday the 13th.

Go get it HIPsters!


Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Hey All, This is Kristin Kaufman, 2005 Hallmark Alumni. I am a photographer with Beyond the Moment Photography, and I love it. When I started with Katrina and Eric 15 months ago we were a business based out of their home and since then we have moved to Lititz, PA and opened and studio and fine art gallery. I am the main studio photographer, Katrina(the owner) is the main location photographer and Eric(her husband) is the fine art photographer. All three of us together make up our wedding team. Last season we did 24 weddings and business is increasing both for weddings and for the studio. We are so excited for the new season, we had our first in march and we have one this Saturday. We all work so well together and we compliment eachothers weaknesses and strengths. We do it all and I could not ask for a better place. Here is some of my work from the last year.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

A New Promotional Image

new post! please read:

Teaser story:

Well some of you fellas already know, I became a celebrity photojournalist once I moved to Los Angeles, after freelancing for the Houston Chronicle newspaper in Houston, TX for a few months.

After 11 months of working at one of the premier celebrity news agencies in the world, I've decided to share a little bit about this world, a world that is digested by millions of Americans and others every single day.

The latests post tries to explain about the "relationship" between the "photog" and the celebrity.



Enjoy ya'll, I know Faith Dugan does! :) thanks you, and happy birthday (big 21)!


45mm tilt/shift

if i had a choice of any camera to shoot with it would be 4x5. i love the swings and tilts! but, as it is a rather large (and for the most part) non-portable, single-exposure piece of equipment, 4x5 has limited applications outside the studio. i recently was introduced to the canon 45mm tilt/shift. and though its tilt/shift features are limited in contrast with 4x5, it is lightweight, portable, and, best of all, i can rapid fire if i choose. it has given me an entirely new perspective on digital slr's. and after using it for the past week, i can proudly say it is officially my new favorite lens. the selections are a combination of personal and client work.

Spring Break come back!

Ah, Spring Break was a great time to relax and have some time off.

I got a chance to meet with a new wedding client for September and also figured out some potential marketing techniques for this summer and into next years OneBloom Photography season.

I can't wait to get my Phase 4 Portfolio for the Hallmark Institute of Photography finished so I can get on with the rest of my photographic career! I have a lot of ideas so far and it's going to be a challenge I'm sure!

I did get a couple chances to shoot a few images over break! Here they are:

Boston Airport:

Wall of mirrors, I couldn't resist the colorful shoes being sold across the way!

Bellingham, WA:

I did some H.D.R. images here. Each image was a 5 exposure +/- 1 stop range with D200 using a Grad. ND Cokin Filter, Polarizer @ 18mm.

I also just photographed Dan and Karen's Wedding on March 31st! Congratulations to them both! Everything went great and it was a pleasure to be there! :-)
What a fun couple! I will be adding more pictures from this to my site soon.

Thanks guys, have a beautiful Spring! :-)
OneBloom Photography

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HallmarkHIPsters You Rock!!!

I just wanted to take a minute and tell you all you rock out loud!!! A big thumbs up to you all!!

Keep on shooting and inspiring the world with your work!

This is a test image I created of myself the other night while playing with my new digital backdrop system. I'm going to come up with some cool things to offer clients besides traditional backdrops.

This backdrop is a red gel and a piece of lace curtain material. I can project light through anything, slides, bubble wrap, gels, etc. and use it as a background. I plan on having some real fun with this one.

It also makes perfect silhouettes!

Can you imagine some nice nudes in front of this!!


Senior Season Marketing

I am trying to work on some new ways of marketing to seniors. Does anyone have any things that they have tried that has worked particularly well for you? Everyone seems to be sending out a lot of direct mail cards. I would like to try to stay away from direct mail, since most parents receive about 3/4 inch of cards from photographers by the end of the season and I don't want to get lost in the shuffle.

Thank You,

Mark Kolkmann
[email protected]

Monday, April 2, 2007

I should have listened!!

Its good to have a great spot for everyone of all years from Hallmark share ideas and information.
Ever since I graduated in 1996 I have been living in Minneapolis. For the first eight year after graduating I worked as both freelance and full time assistant. The last three year I have been getting everything up and running. I just finished a new website. Take a look if you get a chance and let me know what you think.
Everybody always said that I should do a general portfolio rather than a commercial. I didn't listen. Look at what I am up to nowadays. I do more portrait work than I do commercial.

Road to glory

A rainy day never gives a bad photo...enjoy

More Product Shots

I just finished up a job for Direct TV, shooting some more products.

Not terribly exciting stuff but it pays the bills.


One Speedlight

Sunday, April 1, 2007

From this weekend.

Kids and fishies

so i got a photo assignment form wgby and the sent me to a science museum to document the day and this kids were all over the place and this was by my fav one...thie lil kid was in awww of what was in this fish tank......
